Saturday, August 12, 2006

You know...that novel I'm writing?

Came across this today while I was procrastinating (this is why I write at Starbucks!). I love this show so much. The way they play past the first laugh on the flashbacks/fantasy sequences, the way they are not afraid to keep working a joke. Fox has got it all right with their animated comedy line up.

I've been watching a lot of pilots for the new season, and so far, my favorite is Studio 60. I'm not a big fan of Amanda Peet (she is REALLY not funny at all), but the stars on that show are bright, indeed. I especially can't wait to see what happens with D.L. Hughley who is hysterical and much much funnier in his blue stand up than he was on that family show that made him a millionaire. I like the idea of Tina Fey's show, but the promo clips play better than the show to me. Can't wait to see KIDNAPPED, didn't like VANISHED, and want to see HEROES (I'm putting that out there in case anyone has a tape!) -- although doesn't it seem a leeeeetle too much like X-Men? OK, back to work!


Anonymous said... - that Family Guy clip was like my sixth post...and by far and away it's been the post thats gotten me the most hits - in the hundreds at least...

Anonymous said...

So Diva, does that mean you want us all to continuously taunt you until your novel is done?

Because it would give me a great excuse to avoid working on my next screenplay.

The Film Diva said...

CN: I think my subconsious is talking to your subconsious...

Will: I KNEW I'd linked to it from some blog. I went crazy yesterday looking through all these youtube clips (after visiting your blog, you bad influence, you). I think I watched about 3 hours worth of Family Guy and assorted cute litle kids singing clips. And don't get me started on the stuff!